Early Start Speech Pathology are known for running fun, innovative, original and supportive social communication groups for all children attending our clinic. Our groups are created and run by our qualified Speech Pathologists.
Early Start is committed to providing neurodiversity affirming speech pathology services to all of our children and their families.
Please find our current table of groups planned for the October School Holidays on the bottom of this page. Or Click Here to find the table.
Note: we run groups when we can, but this can be hard when our therapists carry a full caseload. If you see a group that looks interesting, be sure to email us to have your name added to our mailing address for when future groups are announced.

Want to see what we have coming up?
to view all of our current groups planned for the October school holidays

Our science groups are great for those budding scientists that need a little hands on fun when it comes to the school holidays. We have a growing list of experiments now including creating slime, marshmallow catapults, puffy painting, exploding volcanoes and fidget spinners. The children will engage in cause and effect projects, work as a team, follow instructions, compromise and regulate for learning.

A group where you build, create and play. You might like to let your creativity flow in the recycle creation station arena, you might prefer to construct with magnetic blocks, build your fortress with lego, or wood play. This is a group for the creative, the imaginative and all round lovers of construction play.

Our clinic sits across the road from beautiful Lambton Park and it would be a shame not to use it! In this group we will need permission to cross the road and work in the park. We will go for nature walks, complete scavenger hunts, we can play a game of soccer together or play on the equipment. Back at the clinic, we will discuss recycling and ways to keep our environment healthy and children will go home with their own potted plant to care for.

You asked, we listen. This school holiday group includes some pampering. What better way than some nail colour, hair braids, and some time spent making a sweet treat to share with friends. A new program on the Early Start rotation, can’t wait to give it a try.

Is a very popular group at Early Start and we love running it each time. If your child lives and breathes Minecraft, watches you tubers creating Minecraft, this is the group for them. We build worlds together, complete challenges together and we build friendships together. A safe, fun space to create and be yourselves.

The holiday hang group is a chilled-out group that focuses on whatever the kids want to do. We have established a great collection of arts and crafts that we can explore together outside in our open sensory area, gross motor games, board games, nature explorations. Come and make some new friends, play draw, paint and create. This group is suitable for all ages.

Lego club is an oldie but a favourite. Come along and create with friends. We will have challenges to do on the day, free time as well as working with others to create masterpieces.

Is your child starting big school next year? Then our SCHOOL READINESS group is highly recommended! Early Start Speech Pathology and The Gray Area Occupational Therapy are excited to be running this group for another year. After all, what’s school readiness without a focus on communication, regulation, fine and gross motor skills?
The SP & OT School Readiness Group will focus on:
Fine motor: grip, drawing, writing, cutting, copying
Friendships and group work
Following instructions
Language concepts for school: including retelling, sharing information, asking questions
Developing sensory regulation strategies for learning
Play and fun